Is an internationally recognized intuitive Astrologer, Astro-Therapist, grounded in PsychoSynthesis & Teacher in a wide variety of personal disciplines, including Art-Therapy & the Western Mystery Traditions. Born in London August 1952, and living in Denmark & Scandinavia since 1978. Derek has been working full-time as professional Consultant Astrologer with client work focused upon Scandinavia, UK & USA.
For 15 years he established a pioneering International Center for personal growth & transformation in Copenhagen – "Unicorn Center".
During 1986-91 Derek was a founding member of "Gefion Center" in Hillerød, a successful Holistic Health Center, specializing in Aids & Cancer patients, together with doctors & alternative therapists. Derek's work was primary as Medical Astrologer.
Derek has a rich experience with the many branches of astrology, combined with psychology & psychotherapy, which led to the creation of a unique 2-year Training in Scandinavia – "The Unicorn School of Astro-Psychology", established in Frederiksberg 1989, Stockholm 1993 & Bergen 1997.
The School was among the first to offer students a professional training in counseling combining Astrology & modern psychology through the inspiration of PsychoSynthesis. Among its full time staff was Tad Mann (USA), creator of "Life-Time Astrology" & his Danish wife, Liselotte Mann.
Derek has been a speaker at various Scandinavian Astrologer Conferences & a regular contributor to both international & Scandinavian magazines throughout the years. Author of 12 books.
NB: Derek's 13th. Book: "DODENS ASTROLOGI: ENTRE OCH SORTI – DITT FODELSE OCH DODHOROSKOP", 443 pages hardback, published by ICA Bok Forlag, Sverige, will be available to purchase & book signing for special price of 300 Dkr.
Onsdag d. 4. september 2013 kl 19:00
v Derek R. Seagrief
Death is the real Trickster because what seems like the end is really the beginning. Death – death of what? What dies? From the Soul perspective – Birth is Death and Death is Birth. The evolutionary journey continues in the non-physical realms that are indicated by the 8th. House.
And so we are "computered-in" at Birth and "computered-out" at Death - which produces a horoscope for both events. If the Birth chart is the "set of instructions" we accepted prior incarnation, then the Death chart shows the "fruits" of this lifetime.
What consciousness will be passed from this life to the next through the astrological influences shown in the Death chart?
And what is a Saturnian, Uranian or Pluto way of dying? Why are the planets Venus & Jupiter so often prominent at the time of exit from the physical dimension?
And what are the Planetary Bardo states in-between lives? How will you prepare yourself to journey through these dimensions?
The vast majority of people fear death because we have lost our faith and our inner compass – but this wasn't always so.
This is a unique astrological presentation of an essential yet taboo area of our lives. Come and learn about the Astrology of Death in very living ways!
Samtlige arrangementer foregår kl. 19.00 i Ringstedgade 6, kælderen, 2100 Kbh. Ø - på de opgivne datoer.
Entré: Medlemmer kr. 50,- Gæster kr. 100,-